
Our Environment
We include environmental targets as part of our business performance measurements.
Conserving water
GWF set a goal to reduce water consumption per tonne of goods by 20% by 2020, relative to a 2010-11 baseline. At the end of 2013, GWF’s overall water consumption was down by just over 12% compared to our baseline year due to a variety of initiatives including water recirculation, more efficient cleaning practices and rainwater harvesting.
Australian Packaging Covenant
GWF is a signatory to the Australian Packaging Covenant, an agreement between companies in the supply chain and all levels of Government to reduce the environmental impacts of consumer packaging. Tip Top is also a partner of the REDcycle program. REDcycle collects flexible packaging from drop off points in participating supermarkets and reprocesses the packaging into durable furniture for Australian communities.
Sustainable palm oil
GWF uses palm oil, but has committed to the responsible sourcing of palm oil and by 2015, we aim to only use Certified Sustainable or RSPO endorsed trading schemes.
Energy efficiency and greenhouse
GWF has taken steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our operations and monitor our performance against internal targets. Since 2008/09, our Australian operations have achieved an 18.9% decrease in reportable greenhouse gas emissions.
Ensuring our suppliers share our values
We require our suppliers to comply with our Responsible Sourcing Code of Conduct, capturing our expectations regarding sustainable sourcing practices.
We have a robust supply chain that we can trust.
Ensuring our suppliers share our values
We require our suppliers to comply with our Responsible Sourcing Code of Conduct, capturing our expectations regarding ethical labour standards, anti-bribery and corruption and sourcing of ingredients and materials.
Sustainable palm oil
Along with our parent, Associated British Foods, George Weston Foods has made a commitment to the responsible sourcing of palm oil by 2015. From 1 January 2015, our aim is to only source and supply products that include Certified Sustainable Palm Oil.
Animal welfare
We require all suppliers of animal products and services to comply with local animal welfare laws, regulations and standards and demonstrate compliance, certification and traceability of their published standards at all times.
Chain of responsibility
The achievement of a safe transport and warehouse traffic management environment is a collective responsibility. We have an independently audited Chain of Responsibility management system for all supply chains across our national business.
Audit program
We have a certified Vendor Assurance Program, where suppliers are audited against relevant regulatory, industry and customer standards.