Tip Top Foodservice Brands

Big Ben

Big Ben

Big Ben® is a trusted New Zealand brand renowned for baking top quality pies and sausage rolls, using quality ingredients and using 100% New Zealand meat.

Tip Top Bakery

Tip Top Bakery

Tip Top® Bakery has been nourishing Kiwi families with our fresh bread for generations. We bake an extensive range of white, wholemeal and grains breads, along with burger buns, long rolls, muffins and delicious fruit bread. From crunchy toast at breakfast, to a sandwich packed with nutritious fillings for lunch or a gourmet burger for dinner, we have something to make every meal Tip Top®.



Speedibake's range of rolls and sharing loaves can be thawed and served immediately or baked in only minutes for that just-baked aroma.



Australian Garlic Bread is a great tasting accompaniment to your meal. The range is particularly suited to Italian pasta, salad and pizza meals.

Ploughmans Bakery

Ploughmans Bakery

Ploughmans® is an uncomplicated bread, crafted in the traditions of a simpler time. Bread made the way it should be.



Bürgen® was first conceived over 30 years ago on a genuine and beautiful ideal, to be the best tasting, and wholesome bread around.



Generations of Kiwi’s have enjoyed Golden® products including crumpets and pikelets.



Traditional recipes from all over the world have been combined with the finest ingredients to produce quality, great tasting breads.

Gold Max

Gold Max

Gold Max® is a convenient and accessible everyday brand that provides real value for money.



The Catering Range are a specialised range of Hamburger Buns and Long Rolls available in everyday favourites right through to gourmet products and all available in a range of friendly formats.



North's™ Natural Choice Bread is carefully baked to ensure each loaf keeps better and is deliciously wholesome. North's™ Natural Choice White Bread is a soft, fresh and delicious loaf that’s a favourite with the whole family.